Sunday, June 6, 2010

VH1 Basketball Wives is a Hot Mess!

By Katrina King

First all, there is only one wife on the show and that's Jennifer, the dark skinned young lady married to Eric Williams, a former NBA player. I say former, because I haven't seen him in action, have yall? Jennifer is conflicted and confused about staqying her marriage to a husband who is openly blantant about is infedelity. " I don't knowwhat to do" Jennifer confers to Evelyn, eho eas once engaged to Antwoine Walker or was in a 10 year relationship with him.

I'll say why Jennifer chooses to stay, one it apperas she has no confidence in herself although cute, she lacks self esteem. She doesn't appear to have any skills that will enable her to work or do something productive with her life other than chase her ugly horse mouth husband Erick Williams around. She's confused because she doesn't wont to part from any money left over from his basketball career.

Royce, who is not a wife, (why she's on the show, I can't figure, royce is a groupie dancer. Her dancing says alot about her motives and character. Gloria, the fiance of Matt Barnes of the Orlando Magic said to her "you will never be a wife or wear a ring."

Evelyn is still heart broken and bitter over the split between she and Antwoine Walker and I don't know who the hell is Suzy. Shag's estrange wife, apparently, the divorce isn't final yet, make a few appearances to catch up on what has been happenin' with the ladies. Stay tune to VH1 line up and see who will resigne another season.

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