Saturday, February 20, 2010

Finally...The Mavs have a new Center..Brendan Haywood

That's right...finally the Dallas Mavericks has a center who is not afraid to get beat up in the middle. Mavs haven't had a explosive center since Roy Tarpley in the eighties. With the acquisition of Brendan Haywood nand the talents he possessed, the Mavericks may get past the first round. I spoke to Brandon tonight and we talked about his being a Dallas Maverick and about tonights game. "We had to fight and scrap tonight to get the win and the back-to-back kind caught up with us early and we didn't have the energy we need in the first half. "It's definitely crazy on where I was a few weeks ago to where I am now. I went to almost last in the East to first in our division in the West so it's crazy but at the same time it's a great feeling and I'm just happy to be a Maverick"

Caron Butler, Mavs New Superstar!

By K.King

That's right I said it, move over Dirk there's a new shooter in town and his name is Caron Butler. Acquired from the Washington Wizzards in the 7-3 trade, Caron says he's happy to be a situation where there's potential for winning as opposed to a situation where there no winning. "It feels good to be here", I'm excited because I'm in a good situation. The Mavs have won there last 3 games back to back with Caron Butler, Brendan Haywood in the starting lineup relieving some pressure off of Nowitzki..

Since the acquisition of the players, the third player is DeShawn Stevenson, who has yet to see playing time with the Mavs. When coach Rick Carlisle says Stevenson will eventually see some playing time. "He's a really good player". But coach, when will we see him play? "I can't tell you when". Carlisle said.

Brendan Haywood as an offensive rebounder? Coach Carlisle says "yeah, Haywood takes up space in there and comes up with a lot of balls. Some of the ones he doesn't come up with he's able to redirect back our way. It's very helpful. We had a couple of those in th ePhoenix game and maybe one or two tonight.

Heat, Mavs, D. Wade and The Kardishians

By K. King

Caron Butler and the Mavs host the Miami Heat Saturday night without Dwayne Wade. Dwayne suffered from an injury he sustained in the game against (name) .. to his left leg. At game time D. Wade did not play, wore street clothes with his left leg in a walking cast. Caron Butler is doing his thang with defense and scoring.

Sat next to Dallas Weekly sportswriter, LaToya Hardeman, we gossiped and recapped the activities that went on during the all-star weekend. We talked trade talk between Josh Howard and the Mavs. Josh felt snifed in the trade... Some haters speculate that Josh off the court behavior may have cost him to be tradable since he was at the end of his contract with the Dallas Mavericks.

Since being traded to the Wizzards, Howad has been playing well scoring in double figures.. Josh was ready to move on, his ties with the Mavs were severed for whatever reason. However, the fans haven't missed Josh, especially with newly acquired Coron Butler playing and exploding on the open court with his scoring and defense ability.

Since his arrival with the Mavs, the teams defensive energy has improved even Jason Kidd has been playing well.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woo....emerges apologizing he got caught.

By K. King

That's right I said it. After 3 months of seclusion, top PGA golfer, Tiger Woods emerges with an apology in a 13 minutes statement he read. Simply he says he aceppts responsibility for being irresposible and selfish. Wife and kids were not there.. Good to see she was not there...I would not have been either...How can a woman put on a happy face after something like that...

Tiger does not need to be in rehab...there is nothing wrong with him...he's simply not in love with Elin and that's ok. At least have the courage to realize it and have a discuss amongst the two of you...nah, that's to much like right...

Even if Elin stays the marriage will never be the same.. It's hard for a woman to accfept the fact that her husband slep with anonther can you imagine double digits...He's been inside these women, he has done things with these women Elin can't even imagine. Tiger is a freak!!!

Valentine Week Recap,

Well. The All-Star game is behind us....still, there's plenty of talk still being talk. Cowboy stadium recorded a 108,000 in attendance for the all-star game. Jerry Jones was seen grinning from cheek to cheek "GO COWBOYS" he said. I call Mr. Jones the ultimate marketer. He knows how to make $$$. I would like to interview Mr. Jones and talk about his talent for making money.. Anyway, Mavs owner Mark Cuban gave Jones a call, after realizing that the Americna Aitlines Centrer (AAC) would not hold the capacity expected. So, Mr. Cuban proposed the idea and as Mr. Cuban said "it was a no-brainer". Cowboys owner Jerry Jones got a chance to showcase his new stadium to the world AND make some $$, in fact, both cities- Dallas and Arlington= made plenty $$$$.

Mavs visit the Orlando Magic Friday night in Orlando... in Dwight Howard's territory. New Maverick Caron Butler (acquired in the 7-3 trade with the Washington Wizzards), is showing the trade for him as a player was a good move, so far. There's still plenty to check out I say.. follows his shot. He hustles, rebounds,and follows his shot, somkething the Mavs lacked.

When interviewing coach Rick Carlise I would always ask the question about offensive boards.. He would give some babble about 2 up front, 3 back on defense....yeah, yeah, the 2 up front was never following the shot they were running back on defense second chance points.. Hopefully with the addition of Caron Butler and Brandon Haewood the Mavs will become a defense threat and known for their offenseive boards ability.

Haven't seen the third player in the trade, Stevenson... He hasn't played a minute of playing time..Maybe he was picked up for "cash consideration" as Donnie Nelson, Mavs president of basketball operations said during a released statement. Brandon Haewood offers dominance in the middle. He's a natural shot blocker and can guard with the best of 'em... Just what the Mavericks need a shot blocker and a defender who can make opposingplayers think twice about driving to the basket.

For the ladies learning the game, it means the Mavericks traded for player to win and for cash considerations

Fans seem to think the Mavs made a great move with this trade, some don't..

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mavericks trade Josh Howard

At first, the trade didn't make since to me. Afterall, Josh was a good defensive player and great ball handler, he could score, run and pass the ball and provide a good hustle off the bench. What I didn't realize is that Josh was at the end of his seven year contract plaque by injuries and off the court differences. It was said he became less involved in team play, which I found hard to believe, you could sense he was unhappy with his position with the team but he would never say it out loud.
He continue to play his game as Coach Carlise would allow. "Josh started his career with Dallas and it's hard to see him go" said Mavs GM Donnie Nelson.