Friday, June 11, 2010

2010 World Cup in Africa

Associated Press

Nelson Mandela didn't attend the opening ceremonies of The World Cup, he and his family are mourning the tragic death of his great-grand daughter who was killed in a car crash driven by a drunken driver. Spokesman for the Mandela Foundation, deemed it inappropriated to leave his family. He is there in spirit.

My first World Cup coverage ever! Let me tell ya, it's a beautiful site to HD TV. The World Soccer Cup South Afriica vs. Mexico in Johannasburg, South Africa. So far both presidents rom both countries are on the field greeting and shaking players hand. This game is streaming live on ESPN TV. Now, the players are exchanging pleasantries with each other. Mexico will kick off....check in later.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Former Mavericks Coach Avery Johnson has a new coaching gig.

By Katrina King

I just heard from a very reliable source that former Dallas Mavericks coach Avery Johnson is going to be coaching "the worst team in the NBA" - Channel 8 George Riba says, he will be coaching the New Jersey Nets. Good opportunity for Avery to showcase his coaching skills by transforming a losing team into a .500 team. If anyone can do it, coach can. Stay tune, TSB will keep its ear to the ground on this developing story.

Rangers close out with a "W"

By Katrina King

The Rangers close out their home stand tonight against the Mariners. Texas had 3 bif endings, Michael Young hit a home run winning 12 to 3. Too early in the season if the Rangers will continue this style of play.

Where's Michael Finley?

By Katrina King

Michael Finley was traded to the Celtics during the NBA All-Star break in February 2010, seemingly, the decision was a good one and still is. Not taking anything away from his trade, however, he hasn't didn't receive much playing time during regular season after the trade and since playoffs, he hasn't played at all! I
inquiry minds, such as mine, want to find out why? Stay tuned.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

VH1 Basketball Wives is a Hot Mess!

By Katrina King

First all, there is only one wife on the show and that's Jennifer, the dark skinned young lady married to Eric Williams, a former NBA player. I say former, because I haven't seen him in action, have yall? Jennifer is conflicted and confused about staqying her marriage to a husband who is openly blantant about is infedelity. " I don't knowwhat to do" Jennifer confers to Evelyn, eho eas once engaged to Antwoine Walker or was in a 10 year relationship with him.

I'll say why Jennifer chooses to stay, one it apperas she has no confidence in herself although cute, she lacks self esteem. She doesn't appear to have any skills that will enable her to work or do something productive with her life other than chase her ugly horse mouth husband Erick Williams around. She's confused because she doesn't wont to part from any money left over from his basketball career.

Royce, who is not a wife, (why she's on the show, I can't figure, royce is a groupie dancer. Her dancing says alot about her motives and character. Gloria, the fiance of Matt Barnes of the Orlando Magic said to her "you will never be a wife or wear a ring."

Evelyn is still heart broken and bitter over the split between she and Antwoine Walker and I don't know who the hell is Suzy. Shag's estrange wife, apparently, the divorce isn't final yet, make a few appearances to catch up on what has been happenin' with the ladies. Stay tune to VH1 line up and see who will resigne another season.

Celtics Paul Pierce hated the Celtics

By Katrina King

"It's the eighties all over the game" Celtics Pierce says. He grew up in California in walking distance from his high school to the Forum. He was a Lakers fan and hated the Celtics. He now finds himself in an position henever thought he would be in Lakers vs. Celtics NBA Finals. Knowing the history and the rivalry between the two teams, he finds too, that history repeats itself. Pierce says he loves being a Boston Celtic.

NBA finals 2010 Game 2, LA leads series 1-0

By Katrina King

Who will win tonight? Before tip off, Kareem Abdul Jabaar and Bill Walton honor former coach John Wooten (1910-2010), both former players said brief remarks and then there was a few moments silence. 2010 American Idol winner, what's his name?, sang the American Anthem.

Game 2 West versus East, History repeats itself featuring the Los Angeles Lakers and the Eastern conference winners, Boston Celtics. The starting line up is much the same as in game one. In game one, Lakers dominated the game and left the building with the "W" 102-89.

This is the finals baby! The fans at the Staples Center will be on fire tonight! plenty of action and celebrities at the Staples tonight. As you watch the game tonight and as the cameras pan around the gym check out who you see in the audience. I wonder if the cameras will be on Khloe and Kim Kardashsian tonight? We all know Kim is now Khloe's new BFF. I remeber when the show first started it was all about Kim and her selfish ways. Khloe was the ugly duckling, remember? She was ncken arrest, and cursed like a sailor. Even Khloe didn't like herself much. Seems overnight, the ukly duckling turned into a beautiful swann.. Her sister, Kim's image and character has been tarnished based on whorish decisions she has made.

Oh my, I forgot, i'm blogggin' about history repeating itself between Celtics and Lakers 2010 NBA Finals. Another thing, no one was paying atrtention to Lamr Odom until he married a Kardashian. Wonder if the mom, Chris, whose married to former gold medalist sprinter, Bruce Jenner, raising her daughters to become GOLD DIGGERS?.