Friday, October 29, 2010

Mavs newest addition to the center spot..

By Katrina King
Photo by: Channing Jemerson

Welcome to Dallas, Tyson! That's right, the Mavs new big man is Tyson Chandler, handsome huh, ladies. Chandler, a welcome addition to the Mavericks center spot, the number 5. Acquired by the Mavs from team Charlotte Bobcats aka the Charlotte Hornets (why the name change? who knows why) in a deal package including Erick Dampier, whom I assume is relaxing his knee
(riding the bench), enjoying his family and watching other teams play. "I love him", says Carlise, The guy is, he really had an infectious spirit as a person and a basketball player. He really brings some toughness to our team, particularly our starters because he brings a dynamic athleticism that we haven't had here at that position. Having said that, I thought Haywood did a really good job off the bench. He is being asked to take on a different role than he has ever had. He is out there playing against small lineups and all kinds of weird things and I thought he gave us a presence when Tyson was not in the game".

Chandler and Haywood gives the Mavericks two decent threats in the middle....if both players receive ample minutes along with game consistency, the Mavericks will become a dominated threat in the middle. Yep, indeed.

The big men must be aggressive underneath the basket and grab both offensive and defense boards, they need to develop a lust for it...Defense and offensive win games. Makes no sense to me why these players can not follow their dag gone rebounds!! The Mavericks have always lack in this area and free throw shots.....stay tuned for more..

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