Monday, January 17, 2011

Mavs on a down hill spiral.

By K. King
Images by Channing Jemerson

Snoopy throws his hand up in frustration. The Mavericks wasn't even close to a win against the Detroit Pistons on Martin Luther King Jr., Day.

Although Dirk is back the Mavericks can't seem to get the "W". this team have a history of playing very well to falling completely apart. Earlier this year, the Mavs was the number 2 team, behind San Antonio.

Now, with loss after loss, the Mavericks must find away to get their mojo back. Losing Caron Butler really hurt their scoring arsenal. Maybe so, but that is NO excuse. These guys are paid millionaires.. They have got to dig deeper within and pull a rabbit out of their hat or wherever it comes from.

Got to get the 'mojo' back!. Well, what ever the reason for the breakdown or disconnect the fellas need to find a way to reconnect. Coach needs to pull a rabbit out of his hat too.

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