Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woo....emerges apologizing he got caught.

By K. King

That's right I said it. After 3 months of seclusion, top PGA golfer, Tiger Woods emerges with an apology in a 13 minutes statement he read. Simply he says he aceppts responsibility for being irresposible and selfish. Wife and kids were not there.. Good to see she was not there...I would not have been either...How can a woman put on a happy face after something like that...

Tiger does not need to be in rehab...there is nothing wrong with him...he's simply not in love with Elin and that's ok. At least have the courage to realize it and have a discuss amongst the two of you...nah, that's to much like right...

Even if Elin stays the marriage will never be the same.. It's hard for a woman to accfept the fact that her husband slep with anonther can you imagine double digits...He's been inside these women, he has done things with these women Elin can't even imagine. Tiger is a freak!!!

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